Ever since
I saw Vanilla Sky I’ve fallen madly in love with Penelope Cruz ….. and IWC
watches. I remember pausing the DVD on the frame where Tom Cruise picks up his
credit cards and his watch just to be able to see the brand.
With such a
hefty price tag, I soon realized it wasn’t for me, unless I sold my car or
skipped all holidays for a couple of year. I did enter a jewelry store once to
try one on, and I’ve met several guys who owned one, but that’s basically how
close I got to one.
But this
dream has now become reality as I’m now the proud owner of an IWC Big Pilot’s
Watch. An easy choice to make as it has been my favourite for many years now. The simplicity and at the same time the amount of detail is astonishing.
Only thing left to do now
is to seduce Penelope……